Tuesday, December 12, 2006

When is a run, just a run?

Today was a great run( 5 miles), in fact the 15 mile run I did over the weekend was a great run. Why? I don't know.
I do know you can have paralysis by analysis. when I get into something, I read everything on the subject, and usually come away more confused then when I started.

I'm not a smart man. ( thanks Forrest ) I picked up the book Jack Daniels Running Formula. No it's not about drinking while running. He is a PhD, and it's way over this runners head.
When he starts talking about lactate threshold, vo2max, and other words I can't spell. I get that glazed look in my eyes.
I know runners have gotten faster over the years, thanks to studies done on this kind of stuff, and with the help of steroids.

Because I'm 43, and have bad knees, I limit my running to 3 runs a week. One tempo run, one speed work at the track, and one long run. The other 3 days I'm on a bike,and in the weight room.

If any hardcore runners are reading this ( actually I don't think anybody reads this ) they are thinking you can't train for a marathon on 3 runs a week! Where's the recovery run? Where's the easy run? Where's the junk miles you put in the bank? Well I tried that, and that when I met Dr. Page. He's one of many doctors I now have on speed dial.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, you can't go by the book all the time. You have to do whats right for you. Some runners can top out at 150 miles a week, some 50 miles, or even 10. Run because you want to, not what someone else wants you to.

I will top out at about 40 miles a week during my marathon training. I know marathon geeks will laugh at that, but thats my plan.
Because when you get down to it, a run, is just a run.

......"Gonna fly now, getting strong now, wont be long now"................
.................................................From the Rocky soundtrack


richosea said...

yes some one does read these and is actually entertained by the pain you cause yourself. You're acrually a funny guy bro.

richosea said...

I ment og say actually not acrually so i get a elttil dislexitict some semit.