Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Are runners... masochist?

Do you run when your in pain? Do you stop when your lungs are burning? After a long run, does it hurt to go up the stairs?
How about when your sick with a head cold, but your training calls for a 10 mile run, do you do it anyway? if you answered yes to these questions, you my friend might be a masochist.

Lets see how the Dictionary describes masochism.

the tendency to derive pleasure from one's own pain or humiliation.
(in general use) the enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome.

There you have it.

All runners love to run, and most runners run with pain. Therefor we have a tendency to derive pleasure from the pain we inflict on ourself.
I'm not trying to be to deep, its just something I was thinking about during a 8 mile tempo run yesterday.

I went through a check list of injuries that I've had to see a medical professional about,....... ready?

I T Band strain on left side of knee.

I T Band strain on right side of knee.

Torn meniscus on right knee, required surgery.

Slight tear of left calf.

Pulled hamstring where it connects to the inside of left knee.

Slight tear of right calf.

Tendon in 3rd toe of left foot, rolled over causing a stinging sensation whenever my foot hit the ground.

Visit to the cardiologist, just to make sure all this running is not killing me.

All of the above required a doctors visit, not to mention the everyday muscle pain, blood blisters, water blisters, and chaffing in places that shouldn't chaff.

You would think a guy who puts his body in so much discomfort, wouldn't pass out when he saw a needle in the doctors office "would ya".
I guess the next time I'm in the doctors office, and they want to stick a needle in my arm, I'll say
"Lets go for a 5 mile run, and at about mile 3 stick it in me"....... now that would be fun!

Who am I kidding, I hate needles.

Just something to think about.

...If life is just a highway, then your soul is just a car....

1 comment:

richosea said...

sounds like someone needs to warm up a little more. excetp I see you enjoy the pain.
just a thought