Friday, December 1, 2006

Good training day

Went well today 30. min of weight training and a hour bike ride. still trying to take it easy on this calf. I'm going to try to do a 20 miler this weekend, but slow vary slow. I have to get in my long runs of 20, 15, 20 miles in the next 3 weeks before my taper.

I feel I'm not going to get them in because of my injury, my p.t said I will be aright just take it easy. I did get in about 4 miles at the track last night, vary easy miles not timed just running in the grass infield. did not hurt to bad.

Maybe I'm just getting paranoid about the marathon, 26.2 is a long ways and it seems something is always coming up (injury) to stop my training. In a later post I will list my injuries since I've been running, the medical professionals love me, I think I have made their kids college found with as many trips I have made to them.

On a happy note, tonight my wife and I went out to dinner with our new granddaughter Alanna (3 weeks old) and her mom and dad ( my son Andrew and his wife Danie) she slept the whole time. I wish we all could be that peaceful, but life gets in the way.

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