Sunday, January 14, 2007

Final thoughs of Disney

Now that I have had a week to think about the marathon, here is my take.... Too many runners for my taste, I spent so much time and energy trying to get my pace I had nothing left when I got to mile 13. I went over my split times and saw when it started to fall apart. It was at about mile 15 when I just could not hold a 9 min. mile pace, then at mile 22,23 and 24 my mile pace was at about 11:30 pace. The worst mile was 25, at a snails pace of 13:11. There are a few other factors that came into play; The heat, I have ran some Aug. mornings that were cooler then the marathon. I talked to a guy after the race, he said he was helping at a water stop at mile 19 and some of the elite runners were walking. So I felt pretty good that I didn't start walking at the water stops until mile 20 (I think). The race kind of got fuzzy after mile 20. Also my thighs, they killed me. I was not prepared for that. In all the running I have done, my thighs have never hurt. The thing I thought would have given me trouble would have been my calves, but they came through with flying colors. My calves usually hurt after a 5 mile run, but after the marathon they felt great... Well not great, but compared to the rest of me they felt okay.

I'm going to do the Gasparilla 15k in Feb.( then do about 10 or 12) 5 and 10k races leading up to the summer months when I will begin another marathon training program. Right now, and I know it's a long ways off, but I'm thinking about the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, It starts in Georgia and ends in Chattanooga Tennessee... Sounds like fun?

So if anybody want to join me for any of these races, drop me a commit put on are shoes and lets go.
I will try too keep this blog interesting along the way... I'm a runner and I find nothing more boring then reading other runners blogs about how many miles they ran or what they ate for breakfast before their run...B-o-r-i-n-g...

I will try to put a new post up at least once a week, so if you go a while without seeing a new post check back in a few days. I want my post to be worth reading and not Blah.. Blah... Blah.. And by the way if you like something don't be afraid to leave a commit (thanks Ric, Stu, Dad and Randall) And if nobody reads this thats okay, because it helps me keep my sanity,and I don't complain to the wife as much. And please overlook spelling and grammar, english was not my subject and I do these right before I go to bed. My fingers don't move as good as my brain late at night.

See ya on the road, runron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you think Feb is to soon for another big race? Maybe you should ask "concerned Ron" (cr).
Have you ever thought about publishing your thoughts in a running mag. Or take some time to write a book. I think you have writing talent. But what do I know.
and no running's not my gig (from a previous blog). See earlier commemt.