Monday, August 20, 2007

Things got fuzzy, things got blurry...And then everything was gone.

Well, maybe not that bad, but I do know what the wall feels like... Or at least my wall... It seems like only yesterday I was on a 20 mile run. (cue dream sequence)

Six o'clock greeted the first steps of a 20 miler. No big deal, I ran two of them last year and a 17 miler last week. I'm not one to blame the weather (right) but a 20 miler in August is much different than in October, even in Florida.
I've also learned that a 20 miler is a lot longer than a 17 miler...Don't say 3 miles, I know that. It's longer in the brain, where it counts, which sends little signals to your legs saying "Stop, why are you doing this? what did I ever do to you?"

"You're training for a marathon," brain said.

"Not anymore," legs said.

"Watch me," says the brain as it puffs out its cerebrum.

"You make me laugh, watch this," the legs said, then sharply contracted every muscle in its left side making the brain feel pain and discomfort from cramps.

Continuing my journey with numbed mind and rubber legs, I fought on with only 3 miles to go... just three, no big deal right?

"Still feeling it brain?" legs said.

"You don't scare me, I control you. You move on my command," brain said.

"Just wait, I got a surprise for you just up that hill," legs said.

"I love hill work, bring it on," brain said.

I effort my way up the last hill before I turn around and head home. the pace was a crawl, but it was a run... I think.
So I get up to the top... I stop briefly and kinda sorta put my hands on my knees, you know to regroup before heading back down. Upon raising my head, which is covered in fluid my leg muscles need.... Things begin to grow black, first thought is cloud cover.

"Surprise," legs said. "We ain't running another step. That darkness you see is you- brain, and you're gonna hit the ground, ha, ha, got ya."

"Okay, okay, don't let me hit the ground legs, hold me up," brain said. " just keep me up so I can walk home.... Don't let my wife find me on the side of the road," brain said pleading.

"Say I win," legs said.

At this time I start to stumble.

"Okay, you win, it's over, just take me home."

"What about next week? you gonna listen when I say enough?" legs said.

"Yes, yes, I can do nothing without you," brain said.

"Thank you," legs said.

So I ran a 19 miler and walked the 20th... Oh well, what ya gonna do.

After the run, I jump in the pool. My wife came out to see how I was doing. I told her about hitting the wall.

"Why do you do that to yourself," wife said.

"Because he's an idiot," legs said.

18 miles next week, can't wait.
See ya on the road, runron

"Maybe," legs said.


Mr. Satan A. Chilles said...

Hey, I've overheard that same conversation! I'd write more about it, but I think you pretty much got it down.

The difference between 17 and 20 is an eternity. When your brain can't think because it's arguing with your legs, 17 somehow sounds like half of 20, and it feels that way. Must be some kind of 'new math'.

Well, you ran 95% of a 20-miler, not bad at all. You'll still be ready for 'The Battle' coming up...

Anonymous said...

Like the new look.
You're becoming a real computer nerd well maybe not you have a mac.
But I really wanted to comment on the blog.
You're crazy if you think I'm going to run like that. I don't think my heart could take it much less my legs.
You do know this is Florida and it is August and the temp is around 95 every day untill the end of September.
You do know healthy young people
die of heat stroke.
I hope you're drinking a lot. But it does not sound like you're carrying a water bottle.
By the way J Alexendars was great but I found a hair in my salad.
They paid for the whole meal including desert which I wouldn't have gotten but hey it was free.
Didn't finish the salad. Didn't get another one. But the hamburger was the best I've ever had.

Ron said...

Mr. chilles,
We're not crazy are we? To do what we do (and other runners do) probably sounds weird to non-runners, (see above), But there is a strange satisfaction knowing you can run through almost anything and , or to the point of passing out...I guess I am crazy.

To anonymous, if that's your real name,
I tried the hair in the salad trick, when I was 17.
Of course I take water with me, do you think I'm crazy? (see above)

Anonymous said...

When I was a child I did childish things. I have since put away childish things. The hair was real. Don't go there
Hamburgers were great though.