Sunday, July 1, 2007

Nothing going on... but

Pull out the cheese it's time for me to whine...

Marathon training is three weeks away and the heat is killing me....

Have you ever thought you could do something.... And realized you can't..... Humbling, very humbling...

If I hear another Pat Benatar song... I'm gonna scream...

Why does Larry King have a show?

"Streets With No Names" by U2 is the best song ever written.

If the price of gas keeps going up.... We'll pay more for it..

One day we'll all know the genius of Neil Diamond..

When one door closes..... The rest stay locked..

When someone says "I know how you feel".... They do not..

Is tomorrow really another day?

Have you ever thought you could do something... And realized you can't... Humbling.

See ya on the road, runron.

Pardon my ramble....I just had nothing...


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain

Runrandall said...

Hey if don't have anything to say you may as well say it anyway.
Love the blog.