Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Make your vote count

Stay with me,I have a race this weekend. Then I'll get back writing about something I know nothing about...Like this.

People are always coming up to me and saying, "So runron who you going to vote for?" And my response is always the same... "Vote for what?"... Is there an election of some kind going on?

I got my candidate. This person will lower my taxes and work for me....Wow. They will change the way government works... Now you're talking. They will be honest and cut wasteful spending.... That's my guy. Tough on terrorism, but fair....Sounds great. My candidate is on the side of the working man...That's me. Plus, they will make America strong.... Unbelievable, you're speaking my language. Did I mention, they will make health care affordable and veto any bill that's not in my best interest.

You're saying who is it runron? Tell me I have to go out and vote for this guy.

I'll get to it. But first let me also say, my guy is humble and understands your needs. Understands how government works, but is an outsider. Voted for every bill that helped me, and against the ones that wasted my money. All said, you can't go wrong with my guy.....................

But, but runron, don't they all say that?


See ya on the road, runron

1 comment:

Brian said...

I still haven't got my mango.
