Sunday, September 9, 2007

Summer Repeat

Going through some older post, I ran across this one from last year. I think it applies more this year than last. So at the risk of mailing one in. Here's a summer repeat from last year. Besides, after my long run today I have no strength.... Me tired... Me sleep now.

Oh, before I slumber. A runron salute to the South Florida Bulls.

Top ten reasons you know your marathon training isn't going well.

10 Resting heart rate is 98.

9. Buzzards keep circling you while on a long run.

8. Old lady on morning walk passes you during tempo run.

7. Buy Ibuprofen in bulk.

6. Ipod stuck on just Barry Manilow.

5. Thought Jeff Galloway meant walk one mile, run one minute.

4. The odometer you were using was in kilometers not miles.

3. You hit the wall at mile one.

2. You start to taper 2 weeks into a 16 week program.

And the number one reason you know your marathon training Isn't going well.

Your doctor suggest you take up running to get in shape.

See ya on the road, runron.

1 comment:

Brian said...

It's only funny because it's true.