The Moffitt 5 mile run could be compared to the U.S Open in golf.
How?... Let me explain.
Most road races are run in cool weather and pin point distances.
Most golf tournaments are held on courses that are easy for professionals to shoot under par.
This weekend provided neither... Saturday was a grind on the road course... Due to the fact that there were no mile markes and the heat was coming from all directions.
The U.S. Open was full of grinders.... If you didn't hit the fare-way you were out of luck.... And once you get
on the greens.... Forgetaboutit... You had to putt left to go right... All that was missing was a clowns mouth on the 18th green... before you finished your round of goofy golf.
But somebody had to win, even if the score was over par.... 5 over par was the winning score and it was a nail biter to the end... With the worlds greatest golfer coming up short by one stroke...
My little road race was a nail biter as well.... I knew my pace was off, but I didn't know how much, for the fact of no mile markers... So I pushed, I struggled, I fought to the bitter end.
One runner collapsed about 20 yards ahead of me.... He didn't look good when I passed.... Heck, I didn't look good when I passed... But I was upright.
Making the final turn I looked at my watch and I was behind my best 5 mile time and still had a quarter mile to go.... No P.R. for me, I just had to grind it out to the finish.
Crossing the line, I hit my watch and looked at the bad news.... A full 2 min. off my best time.... I'm over par.
But wait... This is the U.S. Open where over par might win..... As I picked up my trophy for 3rd place in my age group, I realized sometimes... over par.... Is par for the course.
_____________________ DAY TWO____________________________________
I felt the pain of running two races in two days the morning of the 2nd day.(what?)
The grand-baby was great.. Had know idea her grandpops was a wreak trying to catch the guy pushing the stroller a few feet ahead.... Then a few yards ahead..... then the speck in the distance.
My son did really well... for a kid that who never trains and runs one race a year, he was outstanding.... He has the talent, but he hates to run.... Can't say I blame him, when I was his age, running was a punishment for all other sports.
Maybe running with a baby stroller is easy for you, but it's a grind of it's own. Try running with your hands in your pockets and you'll get the idea.
But this was an easy, fun, no pressure race, right? I mean it's all about family, who cares where you finish. (Tell that to ego)
I was in 3 categories or I thought.
Father running with son, did that.
Grandfather, was that.
Pushing a stroller, did that.
Alex (my son) and I ran a good race, but not well enough to win that bracket.
Pushing my granddaughter was a good ride, but one guy was flying, so I'm out.
All I got left to play is the grandpa card. And the award for the fastest youngest grandpa goes to..... Some guy that is 59 years old and ran a full 16 min. behind me.... What?
I knew I was in trouble when the lady (at the card turn in table) didn't believe me when I said I was a grandpa.... Now anybody that knows me.... knows I go around to all the races and try to convince race officials that I'm not who I really am.... I love to collect worthless trinkets like there gold...
Next year I'm going to enter the Mothers Day 5k as a 25 year old woman with 10 kids who is also a great grandmother.... Shh, don't tell anyone.
What a weekend and I lived to tell about it.
See ya on the road, runron.
What's wrong with you? Looks like you were in the shade most of the time.
Have you ever heard of hydration?
Now you know why I run on and tredmill.
Y'know, just showing up has it's benefits, even if it wasn't a PR in that first race. Third in your age group? I'd kill for that, too many sharks in the waters around here. Good job. Even what feels like an off-day can be a surprise.
And too bad they didn't believe the grandpa bit in the second run. The only silver lining there is that you don't look like a grandpa, I guess. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to another runner who saw me doing hill repeats, and he asked about my training. At one point he said, what are you, about 40? And I said, 'no, a bit older than that, but thanks!'. Almost made my day... Well, if you get carded anytime soon, make sure you write about it.
Thanks Cranky,
running is a funny thing. It seems the easer it gets, the harder it becomes.... I'm going through a rough patch with my times, but I'm way ahead of where I was...
I think only a runner knows what I'm talking about.... see ya on T.V.
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