If it not for sacrifice, would this country have been born?... What about slavery?... Do you think the Nazis would have stopped in Europe?... No, they would've goosed stepped their way to our borders.
As long as we've been a country, we have ask men to sacrifice themselves for us, or U.S.
So many have unselfishly put their college dreams on hold... Kissed their girlfriends goodbye... Told mom and dad not to worry and trotted off... Never to return.
What about the young father who got a letter from home, he's showing his buddy a picture of his new born baby... Only to have them both pay the ultimate price in a foxhole on foreign soil .... Sacrifice.
Today there is a mother who will not come home.... Sacrifice.
Young men and woman fight our wars, while we sit safe and secure bickering over how to get out, stay in, we're not fighting hard enough, we're fighting to hard.... And this is with every war... Deciding on going to war has to be the toughest decision a man can make and all wars are unpopular to some, but some have to be fought.
We all want freedom... The freedom to write blogs... To worship who we want, or not to worship at all... To question our government... to make a living how we choose... Read the books we want to read...
Someone once said "Freedom is not free".... Sacrifice.
Those who gave us this freedom didn't ask for much in return and it can never be repaid... But this Memorial Day weekend when you have the day off... Take a moment away from your cook-out, running, watching the big race or any other freedom you might enjoy... And think of those who did not come home.
Duty.. Honor.. Sacrifice.